So for about a year I was doing volunteer work in New York that required me to get out of the door at 5:30 AM Monday-Friday. Guess what time I set my alarm for every morning?
5:20. Nope, not kidding.
When I tell people this they usually ask me if I slept in my clothes. The answer is no... but I thought about it.
I want to share with you a few tips I've discovered along the way to get out of the door faster and not look like a disaster.
Tip 1- Shower at Night
Ok this is the most obvious of all 7 tips. Showers take a long time. Especially when it's 5 AM and the warm water is just an extension of that warm bed it was already so hard to get out of. Don't do that to yourselves guys. Just shower the night before. It saves time and will power, and gives you less time to ponder why in the world you would ever agree to get up this early.
Side Point:
I don't recommend skipping washing your face in the morning. It causes me to break out when I skip this step. But to make the things that actually are necessary in the morning easier...
Keep your stuff in the same (easily accessible) place every day
There is nothing worse or more time consuming in the morning that not being able to find your shoes, or your purse, or your bra.
For toiletries like face-wash and deodorant, I keep a basket under my sink so I don't have to search.
Tip 2- Pack an Overnight Bag
So in my experience, I never really have time to go home after work if I'm doing something fun that night. As you can guess I have been to more restaurants than I care to in my work clothes. I have finally figured out how to fix this.Keep a bag in your car with stuff you might need
I usually will have a pair of jeans and a slightly fancy shirt, also a change of undergarments, socks, and sometimes shoes. Another good thing you can do is go somewhere like Wal-Mart and pick up a "travel size toiletry kit." These can be a life-saver, usually containing deodorant, a mini toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, and the like. You can't even imagine how many times I have been so glad I had it with me. I customize mine by buying other travel items when I see ones I like better, but I recommend starting with the kit and seeing what you actually use out of it.
Here's a link to the one I got at Wal-Mart-
Why is this a time saving tip for the morning?? Have you ever remembered at the last minute that you needed to take a change of clothes???
Thats why.
Tip 3- Keep a Planner
Want to know something about me? I stress. I stress a lot. Usually I stress over things that aren't even stressful. For example... "I can't sleep because I have to much to do in the morning."
Because of this I keep a planner. And a to-do list. And I keep it by my bed. This way when I can't sleep because I think I will forget what I need to do, I write them down. Then in the morning I can just look at my planner and know, without spending needless time trying to collect those thoughts from the night before, what needs to be done.
This tip helps in the morning, but also in everyday life. For me personally, when I write something down it saves me so much worry. If you aren't sure if this will work for you, I recommend starting with a to-do list, if you like the results try a planner. Mine was a gift, and I absolutely love it. Here's a link if you like it too.
Tip 4- Invest in a Kuerig
Now, when I did volunteer work for that year, coffee was provided for me every day, thank goodness. But now that I'm back to normal people life where you have to get up and make your own coffee every day, I am learning to appreciate the value of a Keurig.
Yes, its more expensive, I'm not going to lie to you. K-cups add up. But if I can get a great single cup of coffee in under 5 minutes, I'm going to say it's 100% worth it.
All you have to do is put in a K-cup, press the button, and go about your business. If you have a travel mug it's even better. Simply start the coffee when you wake up and grab your coffee on the way out. How easy is that?
I'm pretty sure we got our Keurig at Costco, but they sell them just about everywhere now. Here's a link to one at Target if you're interested.
Tip 5- Overnight Oats
Ok so I also had breakfast provided every morning in New York. But like I said, back to normal (self-breakfast making) life again. As you can probably tell by now, my biggest defense against the morning is doing everything at night instead. Breakfast is no exception.
I think overnight oats have literally changed my life. I hate hot oatmeal, I really REALLY hate it. And overnight oats look a little like baby food when you open them for the first time. But they're absolutely delicious. And you can customize them any way you so desire. Apples and cinnamon, banana and peanut butter, blueberry, anything you want!!! And in the morning all you have to do is take them from the fridge and throw them in your bag for when you have time to eat them.
Also, contrary to popular belief, you can do this even if you don't own a mason jar with a lid. It works just as well in a small tupperware. Even if mason jars are way more cute. Also, the oats balloon up over night, so try small proportions first. It gets hard to finish if you put too many oats.
My favorite recipe right now is as follows:
1/4 cup Coach's Oats
1/8 cup Chia Seeds
1/2 cup Vanilla Almond Milk
1/8 cup Blueberry Greek Yogurt
1/4 cup Frozen Blueberries
Tip 6- Pack a "Travel Makeup Bag"
I'm going to level with you guys really quick. Before I started doing this I showed up to work looking scary more days than I didn't. I mean come on, who really thinks about makeup at 5:30 AM? If you do, I applaud you, but I my friend, do not.
But here's the problem. I think about makeup once I get to work and I look like a train hit me on the way. Solution? Pack it with you.
I have a makeup bag that is ONLY for keeping in my backpack/purse/overnight bag/whatever I have that day. This is honestly my number one tip for you guys, it saves my face more often than not. I don't always have time to do makeup in the morning, but I can usually put it on in the car, or after the day gets started I usually have a few minutes I can spare. It really only will take you 5 minutes if you have a small enough routine, and you can do it on a restroom break pretty much anywhere.
When I started this it didn't go well. I was trying to use the same makeup I used on other occasions and I kept forgetting to switch it back into the proper bag. It was stupid. Eventually I went out and bought doubles of what I wanted in my "take with me" makeup bag. I recommend you do this.
I DO NOT, however, recommend buying your favorite high-end brands for this. Why? Makeup melts, cracks, and gets messed up in ways you wouldn't even think of. Put it in a bag you might leave in an extremely hot or cold car, and that gets thrown in whatever direction you might feel like at the moment, and you have some makeup that isn't going to last as long as it could otherwise. So buy what you like, but not what you love. This is also a good place to use up those makeup samples that have been sitting in your cabinet, or those brands you bought but never use because you have one you like better.
Here's what I keep in mine, If you would like more detail on the products I use in my "To Go Makeup Bag" Let me know... I will dedicate a post to it.
Tip 7- Learn How to French Braid
I know... I know... The french braid is very intimidating. I didn't learn to do it until I was around 17, and I was scared to death. But I sure am glad that I learned.
French braids are great because they work for wet or dry, long or shorter hair, and you can make them work in pretty much any situation, from under a hard hat to a fancy dinner.
Why is it time saving? Because I do them the night before. I have discovered that if I put a little product in my hair and braid it tightly before I go to bed, It turns into a loose braid in the morning that will last until I have time to redo it around lunch time.
Why not try it? Braid your hair as tightly as you can at night and see what it does in the morning. I really like the messy effect it has.
If you need some help in the "Learning to French Braid" department, here is a link to a video that has step by step instructions.
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